The Value of Community in the Cigar Industry with Vince Hill of BNB Cigars
As we continue our series for cigar retailers, we hear from one who’s crushing it in building a community of friends and fans all across the country.
Vince Hill manages BNB Cigars in Philadelphia and has helped what would appear as a little shop in Chestnut Hill create a nationwide presence through social media and incredible customer service.
Vince shares how he uses social media to serve customers without having to come across like a guy just trying to sell and how he’s built a great community with consumers, manufacturers, and even other retailers.
What You’ll Learn
“There’s one thing that I love about cigar community, it doesn’t matter about your background, race, ethnicity, where you were born, what your social status is, how much money you make, what kind of car you drive. When we sit together and have a cigar none of that stuff matters.”
– Vince Hill
Key Takeaways
“The fact that these guys will travel hundreds of miles to come hanging out at the shop and hang out with me that’s the part that I love.” – Vince Hill
“The importance of building relationships and building that rapport so that way not only people just fly away across the country and spent time with you and that didn’t happen overnight, you put in some work through social media channels to build that relationship that they could trust you.” – Kyle Willis
Click here to check out Vince Hill of BnB Cigars
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