Thank you very much for scheduling a time to be on my podcast. I’m excited to have you on the show and jam together. When the day of the interview comes, please be in a quiet place so we can record with as little background noise as possible.
In preparation for our show, there are a few things I’d love to get from you to make this absolutely perfect:
- Can you please send a headshot you’d approve us to use for social media promotion?
- Can you please send us a short bio (100 words or less) we can use to introduce you?
- If you have any products or services you’d like us to promote, please tell us in advance
A couple FYIs about the podcast:
I don’t plan out specific questions to ask, as I like to keep our conversation casual and natural, but I’ll shoot you some notes in advance of our scheduled time so we’re on the same page of where we’d like to go during our time.
The podcast will be recorded audio-only, but I love having the video on during our interview, so I can play off your facial reactions. If video is any issue, just let me know and we’ll keep it audio only.
Thank you again for your interest and willingness to be on my podcast!